Code of Conduct
Your Account
You may create only one account in the Utopia gaming environment. You may maintain only your own account: under no circumstances should your account be accessed by anyone other than you. In the event that a third party is deemed to be accessing your account, both you and the third party will be considered in violation of the Code of Conduct.
Persistent creation and deletion of accounts is not allowed under any circumstances.
Should your account be suspended, the creation of a new account will be considered a breach of the Code of Conduct.
Can I play with a brother/sister/housemate? Please see
Contact Information
The information you provide when signing up is used to protect the Utopia game from cheating. You are expected to provide complete and accurate information account information, and to keep it up to date. You can update this information in the Account Settings section of the game.
Game Play
Under no circumstances may you use automation software, hacks, mods, scripts or any unauthorized third-party tools designed to improve your performance in Utopia.
Internet Proxies and Anonymizers
You are expected to access the site from the IP addresses assigned to you normally by your Internet Service Provider.
If you access the site via a proxy server, anonymizing network or any anonymizing software, you will be considered to be in violation of the Code of Conduct.
If you are using
VPN, please contact game support with reasoning behind doing so to avoid any unnecessary deactivations.
If you have no choice but to use proxy servers made compulsory by your Internet Service Provider, country or corporation, you must provide details and supporting evidence to the operators of the game before continuing to use the game. Exceptions may be made at the sole discretion of the operators of the game, and may be revoked at any time without notice.
Spirit of the Rules
Players attempting to manipulate rules and quirks of the game in ways obviously not intended may be subject to deletion. Because of their nature, these types of circumstances are considered on a case-by-case basis. Users should avoid actions they believe are against the spirit and intent of the game.
Fair & Honorable Play
The operators of the game aim to maintain the highest standards of ethics within the game. Any instance of inappropriate language, manipulation of bugs, or acts of deception/fraud can result in immediate removal from the game. We rely on our users to help us enforce these rules and provide an enjoyable gaming environment for users of all ages and backgrounds.
Language & Attitude
Utopia is played by people of all ages and backgrounds. You are expected to treat others with respect and use only appropriate language in any contact with other players. In particular:
- You may not use language that is vulgar or that is otherwise offensive, defamatory, obscene, hateful or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable
- You may not post any content that is subject to the rights of any other person or entity
- You may not post any content that is related to drugs, sex or any criminal activity
- You may not post any content including any personally identifiable information about another player or yourself
- You are encouraged to report any violation of these rules. Violators will be considered in breach of the Code of Conduct, and subject to suspension or deletion.
Kingdom Flags and other Images
Various game features permit players to upload images to the website, which are visible to other players in the game. As such, these images are subject to the Language & Attitude rules defined above. In addition, you are forbidden from uploading any images that are pornographic in nature.
Province, Leader and Kingdom Names
Players may select names for their province, leader and kingdom, which are visible to other players in the game. As such, these names are subject to the Language & Attitude rules defined above. In addition, the following rules apply:
Names may not contain gibberish (for example, “asdqwe”, “lkjlkjlkj”, “542341224” etc)
Names may not be designed to be confusingly similar to other names in the game. For example, it is forbidden for the provinces of a kingdom to select names that are deliberately difficult to distinguish from each other.
Names may not be designed to be confusing with respect to the normal text of the game. For example, it is forbidden to set a kingdom name that reads like an error message to a novice player.
Names may not be designed to impersonate another player or member of the game.