


-15% Attack Travel Time

+30% Building Credits

+30% Specialist Training Credits

Fog Immunity


+10% Own casualities when attacking

+10% Own casualities when defending

Can't use Stables or War Horses


Off/Def Cost NW
Soldiers (1, 1)
Griffins (6, 0)
Harpies (0, 6)
Drakes (7, 3) 2,000gc 3.75
Mercenaries (2, 0)
Prisoners (2, 0)
War Horses (2, 0)
Thieves 500gc

Spell Book:

Bloodlust, Fanaticism and Greater Protection

Dark Elf


+20% Wizards Per Acre (WPA)

-50% Rune Cost (excluding Ritual)

+2% Extra Mana Per Tick


+25% Military Wages

-10% Thievery Per Acre (TPA)


Off/Def Cost NW
Soldiers (1, 1)
Night Rangers (6, 0)
Druids (0, 6)
Drows (4, 6) 2,200gc 4.25
Mercenaries (2, 0)
Prisoners (2, 0)
War Horses (1, 0)
Thieves 500gc

Spell Book:

Nightmare, Illuminate Shadows, Chastity and Mage's Fury



+15% Building Efficiency

-100% Building Construction Cost

-50% Building Construction Time


+100% Food Consumption

Can't Accelerate Construction


Off/Def Cost NW
Soldiers (1, 1)
Warriors (6, 0)
Axemen (0, 6)
Berserkers (6, 4) 2,000gc 4.0
Mercenaries (2, 0)
Prisoners (2, 0)
War Horses (1, 0)
Thieves 500gc

Spell Book:

Vermin, Mystic Aura, Amnesia, Fog and Fools Gold



+10% Wizards Per Acre (WPA)

+50% Self-Spell Duration

+10% Thievery Per Acre (TPA)

+1% Extra Mana Per Tick

+1% Extra Stealth Per Tick

Runes do not decay


-5% Max Population


Off/Def Cost NW
Soldiers (1, 1)
Magicians (6, 0)
Druids (0, 6)
Beastmasters (2, 7) 1,800gc 3.75
Mercenaries (2, 0)
Prisoners (2, 0)
War Horses (1, 0)
Thieves 500gc

Spell Book:

Greater Protection, Fanaticism, Righteous Aggressor and Pitfalls



+10% Max Population

+15% Sabotage Damage

+20% Thievery Per Acre (TPA)

+2% Extra Stealth Per Tick


-10% Birth Rate

-10% Wizards Per Acre (WPA)


Off/Def Cost NW
Soldiers (1, 1)
Strongarms (6, 0)
Slingers (0, 6)
Brutes (5, 5) 1,600gc 4.0
Mercenaries (2, 0)
Prisoners (2, 0)
War Horses (1, 0)
Thieves 500gc

Spell Book:

Invisibility, Town Watch and Blizzard



+10% Income

+15% Science Effectiveness

Income Penalty Protection


+25% Military Training Time


Off/Def Cost NW
Soldiers (1, 1)
Swordsmen (6, 0)
Archers (0, 6)
Knights (6, 4) 2,100gc 4.0
Mercenaries (2, 0)
Prisoners (2, 0)
War Horses (2, 0)
Thieves 500gc

Spell Book:




+20% Battle Gains

-50% Draft Cost

+10% Enemy casualities when attacking

+10% Enemy casualities when defending

+5% Offensive Military Efficiency (in war)


Can't Use Watchtowers


Off/Def Cost NW
Soldiers (2, 2)
Goblins (6, 0)
Trolls (0, 6)
Ogres (8, 2) 2,100gc 3.75
Mercenaries (2, 0)
Prisoners (2, 0)
War Horses (1, 0)
Thieves 500gc

Spell Book:

Aggression, Heroes Inspiration and Reflect Magic



-100% Food Consumption

-30% Own casualities when attacking

-30% Own casualities when defending

Always Carries and is Immune to the Plague

Convert Specialists into Elites on Attack


-10% Science Effectiveness

Can't Train Elites

Can't use Hospitals


Off/Def Cost NW
Soldiers (1, 1)
Skeletons (6, 0)
Zombies (0, 6)
Ghouls (9, 3) 10,000gc 4.5
Mercenaries (2, 0)
Prisoners (2, 0)
War Horses (1, 0)
Thieves 500gc

Spell Book:

Ghost Workers, Animate Dead and Nightmare




-15% Attack Travel Time

+100% Honor Bonus

Elite gets +1 defensive strength

Elite gets +3 offensive strength

Convert Specialists into Elites on Attack

Starting Bonuses:

+1000 Starting Elites

Spell Book:

Heroes Inspiration and Wrath



+15% Combat Instant Spell Damage

+25% Science Effectiveness - Production

+50% Science Effectiveness - Channeling

+1% Extra Mana Per Tick

+150% Increased Wizard Production

Convert Specialists into Elites on Attack

Elite gets +4 defensive strength

Starting Bonuses:

+1000 Starting Soldiers

+1000 Starting Specialist training credits

+2000 Starting Wizards

Spell Book:

Meteor Showers, Soul Blight, Nightmare, Greater Protection and Chastity



+10% Defensive Military Efficiency

-25% Own casualities when attacking

-25% Own casualities when defending

Elite gets +2 offensive strength

Can cast Support spells on Kingdom mates

Convert Specialists into Elites on Attack

Elite gets +2 defensive strength

Starting Bonuses:

+2000 Starting Soldiers

+2000 Starting Specialist training credits

+500 Starting Wizards

Spell Book:

Heroes Inspiration, Illuminate Shadows, Scientific Insight, Fools Gold and Fountain of Knowledge



+20% Combat Instant Spell Damage

+20% Sabotage Damage

-75% Thief Losses

+50% Increased Wizard Production

Convert Specialists into Elites on Attack

Elite gets +2 defensive strength

Elite gets +3 offensive strength

Starting Bonuses:

+1000 Starting Thieves

+1000 Starting Wizards

Spell Book:

Pitfalls, Mist, Amnesia, Gluttony and Quick Feet

Allowed Thief Operations:

Greater Arson

Steal War Horses



+50% Science Effectiveness - Crime

+15% Sabotage Damage

+100% Thieves' Den Effectiveness

+1% Extra Stealth Per Tick

Access all Thievery Operations

Convert Specialists into Elites on Attack

Elite gets +4 defensive strength

Starting Bonuses:

+1000 Starting Soldiers

+1000 Starting Specialist training credits

+2000 Starting Thieves

Spell Book:

Invisibility, Guile, Greater Protection and Ghost Workers



+50% Thieves' Den Effectiveness

+2% Extra Mana Per Tick

+2% Extra Stealth Per Tick

+100% Increased Wizard Production

Elite gets +1 offensive strength

Convert Specialists into Elites on Attack

Elite gets +3 defensive strength

Starting Bonuses:

+1500 Starting Thieves

+1500 Starting Wizards

Spell Book:

Chastity, Invisibility, Meteor Showers and Sloth

Allowed Thief Operations:




+5% Max Population

-50% Self Spell Rune Cost

+50% Increased Wizard Production

Elite gets +3 defensive strength

Elite gets +1 offensive strength

Offensive specialist gets +1 strength

Plague Immunity

Convert Specialists into Elites on Attack

Starting Bonuses:

+1500 Starting Soldiers

+1500 Starting Specialist training credits

+1000 Starting Wizards

Spell Book:

Greater Protection, Nightmare and Clear Sight



-50% Battle Losses - Ambush

+25% Draft Rate

+10% Enemy casualities when attacking

+10% Enemy casualities when defending

+10% Offensive Military Efficiency

Convert Specialists into Elites on Attack

Elite gets +4 offensive strength

Starting Bonuses:

+2000 Starting Soldiers

+2000 Starting Specialist training credits

Spell Book:

Aggression and Bloodlust

Here is the effects of all possible rituals.

AffluentIncome +10%, Draft Cost -20% and +20% Draft Speed
Barrier-20% Instant Spell damage and Thief Sabotage damage from enemies and +20% Defensive WPA/TPA
Expedient-30% Training Time (including Thieves), -30% Construction Time, & -30% Build costs & 20% faster wizard training
Haste-10% Attack Time, -10% Offensive Military Casualties
HavocIncreases offensive Thieves per acre (TPA) and Wizards per acre (WPA) by 15% & Instant Spell damage and Sabotage Damage by 15%
OnslaughtIncreases Offensive Military Efficiency (OME) by 10%, Enemy Military Casualties when Attacking by 15%
Benediction+10% Building Efficiency, +25% Population Growth, +10% Flat Rate Building Production
Stalwart+10% Defensive Military Efficiency (DME) & -10% Defensive Military Casualties
Expropriation+15% Combat Gains, +15% Honor Gains, +20% Building Credits, +20% Training Credits

Here are the effects of each Stance

Aggressive+10% Battle (Resource) Gains, +30% Credits gained in Combat, +15% Self Offensive Military Casualties, +10% Instant Spell damage and Sabotage Operation damage, +20% Military Wages
Peaceful+15% Income, +20% Food & Rune Production, +20% Birth Rate, -15% Offensive Military Efficiency, -20% Instant Spell Damage, -20% Sabotage Operation Damage

Here are the effects of all possible dragons.

Emerald+25% military casualties in combat, -20% combat gains, -40% Building and Specialist Credits gained in combat
RubyReduces military effectiveness by 15%, Increase military wages by 30% and lose 30% of new draftees
Sapphire-30% lower magic (WPA) and thievery (TPA) effectiveness, +12.5% Instant Spell and Sabotage Damage taken and -12.5% Instant and Sabotage Damage dealt
Topaz-30% Building Efficiency, -25% Income, destroys 4% of buildings instantly and every 6 ticks thereafter

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