Unique Abilities

Each Race and Personality has a unique ability that reflects its core strengths and theme. These abilities are categorised as either Passive, Active (With duration), Active(Consumable Effect).

  • Passive: Always active, provide a consistent positive effect.
  • Active (Duration): Activated, Duration is a set amount of days, this works same as Self Spells.
  • Active (Consumable): Activated, works until EITHER used or the next day. Be careful using close to a days end!
  • Cooldown: Starts when activated and are exact.




-30% Attack Travel Time

+40% Birth Rate

+30% Building Credits

+30% Specialist Training Credits


+10% Own casualities when attacking

+10% Own casualities when defending

Can't use Stables or War Horses


Off/Def Cost NW
Soldiers (3, 3)
Griffins (10, 0)
Harpies (0, 10)
Drakes (15, 6) 1,450gc 8.0
Mercenaries (8, 0)
Prisoners (8, 0)
War Horses (1, 0)
Thieves 500gc

Spell Book:

Greater Protection, Fanaticism and Bloodlust

Unique - Skybound Strike

Avians draw upon the unyielding power of the skies, their wings guided by the winds of fortune. In perfect harmony with the heavens, they strike with a speed and grace that leaves their enemies awestruck, cementing their rule over the skies.

Active Effect

The next attack will automatically succeed, and suffer no offensive losses. In addition, gains and losses will be reduced based on offense sent compared to defense of the target.


12 Utopian Days


Until use or tick.

Dark Elf


+15% Combat Instant Spell Damage

+15% Wizards Per Acre (WPA)

-50% Offensive Spell Rune Cost

+1% Extra Mana Per Tick


+25% Military Wages


Off/Def Cost NW
Soldiers (3, 3)
Night Rangers (10, 0)
Druids (0, 10)
Drows (12, 9) 1,350gc 8.25
Mercenaries (8, 0)
Prisoners (8, 0)
War Horses (2, 0)
Thieves 500gc

Spell Book:

Mage's Fury, Chastity and Blizzard

Unique - Shadow Surge

Dark Elves draw on dark forces to channel a powerful burst of energy, allowing them a chance to unleash a secondary, high-impact effect.

Active Effect

When activated, there is a 20% chance to cast successful offensive spells again at no mana cost for the next 6 Days.


12 Utopian Days


3 Utopian Days



+5 War Horse Capacity Per Acre

+15% Birth Rate

+6 Food Bushels Created Every 2 Acres

+6 GC Created Every 2 Acres

+4 Runes Created Every 2 Acres

+1 War Horses generated every 10 acres

+25% Draft Rate


+15% Attack Travel Time


Off/Def Cost NW
Soldiers (3, 3)
Huldras (10, 0)
Nymphs (0, 10)
Will O The Wisps (18, 2) 1,800gc 7.5
Mercenaries (8, 0)
Prisoners (8, 0)
War Horses (2, 0)
Thieves 500gc

Spell Book:

Fanaticism, Bloodlust and Fog

Unique - Roots of Ruin

Dryads wield the ancient power of the forest, extending their enchanted roots deep into enemy lands. With each successful attack, these roots sap the vitality of their foes, leaving devastation in their wake as they drain the very life essence of entire populations.

Passive Effect

On successful attacks, Dryads extend their enchanted roots into enemy lands, draining vitality and destroying 1% of their entire population.



+6 Runes Produced each acre of Guilds

+25% Wizards Per Acre (WPA)

+50% Self-Spell Duration

+25% Thievery Per Acre (TPA)

Runes do not decay

Train Thieves with Credits


-5% Max Population


Off/Def Cost NW
Soldiers (3, 3)
Magicians (10, 0)
Druids (0, 10)
Beastmasters (5, 12) 1,975gc 7.25
Mercenaries (2, 0)
Prisoners (2, 0)
War Horses (1, 0)
Thieves 500gc

Spell Book:

Greater Protection, Fanaticism, Amnesia, Animate Dead, Blizzard, Bloodlust, Chastity, Fools Gold, Ghost Workers, Gluttony, Greater Protection, Heroes Inspiration, Invisibility, Mage's Fury, Mystic Aura, Quick Feet, Town Watch, Tree of Gold, Guile and Nightmare

Unique - Ethereal Mirage

Faeries possess an unparalleled connection to the ethereal plane allowing them to enhance Mystic Vortex with devastating precision. While others struggle to dispel enchantments, Faeries effortlessly strip all spells from their targets, leaving them vulnerable.

Passive Effect

Mystic Vortex will remove all spells on the target.



+15% Max Population

+15% Sabotage Damage

+15% Thievery Per Acre (TPA)

+1% Extra Stealth Per Tick


-15% Birth Rate


Off/Def Cost NW
Soldiers (3, 3)
Strongarms (10, 0)
Slingers (0, 10)
Brutes (9, 9) 900gc 7.25
Mercenaries (8, 0)
Prisoners (8, 0)
War Horses (2, 0)
Thieves 500gc

Spell Book:

Town Watch and Invisibility

Unique - Sneak Attack

Halflings are masters of subterfuge, executing precise and calculated operations with unmatched skill. When they launch a Sneak Attack, their innate cunning ensures their thieves evade capture.

Active Effect

Upon activation, all Thievery losses on operations are zero until next day.


12 Utopian Days


Until use or tick.



+15% Science Effectiveness

Espionage is always successful with double stealth

Income Penalty Protection


+25% Military Training Time


Off/Def Cost NW
Soldiers (3, 3)
Swordsmen (10, 0)
Archers (0, 10)
Knights (12, 8) 1,450gc 8.0
Mercenaries (8, 0)
Prisoners (8, 0)
War Horses (3, 0)
Thieves 500gc

Spell Book:

Revelation and Quick Feet

Unique - Interest

Humans excel in diplomacy, allowing them to negotiate favorable outcomes.

Active Effect

Upon activation, an additional extreme activity bonus is provided.


12 Utopian Days





+20% Battle Gains

-100% Draft Cost

+10% Enemy casualities when attacking

+10% Enemy casualities when defending


-20% Wizards Per Acre (WPA)

-20% Thievery Per Acre (TPA)


Off/Def Cost NW
Soldiers (2, 3)
Goblins (10, 0)
Trolls (0, 10)
Ogres (16, 3) 1,400gc 7.0
Mercenaries (8, 0)
Prisoners (8, 0)
War Horses (2, 0)
Thieves 500gc

Spell Book:

Aggression, Heroes Inspiration and Reflect Magic

Unique - Warlord's Fury

Fueled by unyielding ferocity, Orcs channel their Warlord's Fury to devastate their enemies and reap the spoils of war. Their relentless attacks seize additional resources from the fallen, while their resilience ensures that a portion of their warriors rise again to continue the fight.

Passive Effect

Successful attacks plunder additional resources (gold, runes, food) equivalent to 15% of a successful Plunder attack and 25% of Military Casualties return home instantly (Soldiers, Specialists, and Elites).



-100% Food Consumption

-50% Own casualities when attacking

Always Carries and is Immune to the Plague

Convert Specialists into Elites on Attack


+10% Battle Losses

Can't Train Elites

Can't use Hospitals


Off/Def Cost NW
Soldiers (3, 3)
Skeletons (10, 0)
Zombies (0, 10)
Ghouls (18, 6) 5,000gc 9.25
Mercenaries (8, 0)
Prisoners (8, 0)
War Horses (2, 0)
Thieves 500gc

Spell Book:

Nightmare, Animate Dead and Ghost Workers

Unique - Dark Pact

Necromancers forge a dark pact, harvesting life from the battlefield. After each successful attack, they reanimate the fallen, converting fallen enemy units into wizards, soldiers, and peasants to serve their sinister cause.

Passive Effect

After each successful attack, The Necromancer converts:
10% of the enemy's killed units into Wizards.
10% of the enemy's killed units into Soldiers.
20% of the enemy's killed units into Peasants.




+25% Land Effect - Guilds

+10% Barracks Effectiveness

+10% Castle Effectiveness

+10% Hospital Effectiveness

+10% Training Grounds Effectiveness

+15% Science Book Production

Own attacks gains have a 1 in 5 chance to increase +15-35%

Own Sabotage and Insant spell damage will range from -10% to +30%

Convert Specialists into Elites on Attack

Elite gets +3 defensive strength

Elite gets +3 offensive strength


1 in 15 chance an attack will automatically fail

Spell Book:

Nightmare, Guile, Magic Ward, Invisibility and Tree of Gold

Allowed Thief Operations:


Greater Arson



-15% Attack Travel Time

+50% Castle Effectiveness

+50% Watch Tower Effectiveness

+1 Army generals

+15% Military Science Books Produced

-35% Military Training Time

Convert Specialists into Elites on Attack

Elite gets +1 defensive strength

Elite gets +3 offensive strength

Starting Bonuses:

+1000 Starting Soldiers

+1000 Starting Specialist training credits

Spell Book:

Wrath, Illuminate Shadows and Fountain of Knowledge

Allowed Thief Operations:

Steal War Horses



+10% Income

+50% Forts Effectiveness

+50% Hospital Effectiveness

+25% Science Book Production

Self Spell Mana Cost Reduced by 1

Can cast Support spells on Kingdom mates

Convert Specialists into Elites on Attack

Elite gets +2 defensive strength

Elite gets +2 offensive strength

Spell Book:

Scientific Insight, Divine Shield, Mist, Greater Protection and Salvation

Allowed Thief Operations:

Greater Arson



+20% Barracks Effectiveness

+20% Training Grounds Effectiveness

+10% Arcane Arts Science Books Produced

+10% Economy Science Books Produced

+20% Sabotage Damage

+50% Thieves' Den Effectiveness

+2% Extra Stealth Per Tick

Prisoners convert into Thieves over time

Convert Specialists into Elites on Attack

Elite gets +2 defensive strength

Elite gets +3 offensive strength

Starting Bonuses:

+1000 Starting Thieves

Spell Book:

Mist, Quick Feet, Invisibility and Bloodlust

Allowed Thief Operations:

Greater Arson

Steal War Horses

Subdue Wizards



+150% Land Effect - Guilds

+25% Arcane Arts Science Books Produced

+75% Thieves' Den Effectiveness

+1% Extra Mana Per Tick

+1% Extra Stealth Per Tick

Convert Specialists into Elites on Attack

Elite gets +4 defensive strength

Access all Thievery Operations

Starting Bonuses:

+2000 Starting Thieves

+2000 Starting Wizards

Spell Book:

Sloth, Pitfalls, Fools Gold, Blizzard and Mind Focus



+75% Land Effect - Guilds

+20% Combat Instant Spell Damage

+20% Castle Effectiveness

+20% Training Grounds Effectiveness

-25% Rune Cost (excluding Ritual)

+10% Arcane Arts Science Books Produced

+10% Military Science Books Produced

+2% Extra Mana Per Tick

Convert Specialists into Elites on Attack

Elite gets +2 defensive strength

Elite gets +3 offensive strength

Starting Bonuses:

+1000 Starting Wizards

Spell Book:

Mage's Fury, Bloodlust, Meteor Showers and Chastity

Allowed Thief Operations:

Subdue Wizards



+15% Enemy casualities when attacking

+15% Enemy casualities when defending

+50% Barracks Effectiveness

+50% Training Grounds Effectiveness

+10% Offensive Military Efficiency

+25% Military Science Books Produced

Convert Specialists into Elites on Attack

Elite gets +4 offensive strength

Starting Bonuses:

+1000 Starting Elites

Spell Book:

Aggression, War Spoils and Fanaticism

Here is the effects of all possible rituals.

Ascendency+100% Wizard Production, -50% Wizard Losses on Failed Spells, -10% Military Effectiveness
AffluentIncome +10%, -20% Draft Cost and Draft Speed +20%
Barrier-25% Instant Spell damage and Thief Sabotage damage from enemies and +25% Defensive WPA/TPA
Benediction+15% BE, +50% pop growth, +10% Flat Rate Building Production
Expedient-30% Training Time (including Thieves), -30% Construction Time, & -30% Build costs & +20% Wizard Production
Expropriation+15% combat gains, +15% Honor gains, +20% Specialist and Build credits
Fleetfoot-10% Attack time, -10% Offensive Military Casualties
HavocIncreases offensive Thieves per acre (TPA) and Wizards per acre (WPA) by 15% & Instant Spell damage and Sabotage Damage by 15%
OnslaughtIncreases Offensive Military Efficiency (OME) by 10%, Enemy Military Casualties when Attacking by 15%
Stalwart+10% Defensive Military Efficiency (DME) & -10% Defensive Military Casualties

Here are the effects of each Stance

Aggressive+10% Battle (Resource) Gains, +50% Bravery Gains, +15% Military Casualties
Defensive+10% DME, -20% Build Time and Costs, -10% Enemy gains, +20% Attack time, -10% OME
Noble+50 effects from honor, +20% honor gained, +20% Build Construction Cost and Time, +25% Wages

Here are the effects of all possible dragons.

Amethyst-20% science effectiveness and effects as if 2 cast of Amnesia were successful on each province instantly and every 3 ticks
Emerald+25% military casualties in combat, -20% combat gains, -40% Building and Specialist Credits gained in combat
Ruby-12.5% Military Efficiency, +30% Military Wages, Lose 30% of new drafted Soldiers
Sapphire-30% Wizard Effectiveness (WPA) and Thievery (TPA) Effectiveness, +25% Instant Spell and Sabotage Damage taken, and -25% Instant Spell Damage and Sabotage Damage
Topaz-30% Building Efficiency, -25% Income, destroys 6% of buildings instantly and every 3 ticks thereafter

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