Province Honor Rankings for Harkolia (island 8)
(Age 90)

Rank Name Kingdom Race Honor
1 Bubbles (2:8) Vicious Cobwebs (2:8) Undead 4408
2 Random gnome (3:8) Confession of Lotus (3:8) Halfling 4360
3 MofoRockUs (2:8) Vicious Cobwebs (2:8) Faery 4246
4 Bounce (3:8) Confession of Lotus (3:8) Dwarf 4220
5 ManBearPig (3:8) Confession of Lotus (3:8) Dwarf 4166
6 Missing a Hydroxyl (3:8) Confession of Lotus (3:8) Dwarf 4030
7 Half Baked (3:8) Confession of Lotus (3:8) Halfling 3933
8 Bulk (3:8) Confession of Lotus (3:8) Halfling 3845
9 Kaladesh (3:8) Confession of Lotus (3:8) Faery 3800
10 Agent Johnson (6:8) L E G A C Y - RECRUITING (6:8) Halfling 3729
11 Marco (2:8) Vicious Cobwebs (2:8) Undead 3652
12 Daemora (2:8) Vicious Cobwebs (2:8) Faery 3610
13 Kland (2:8) Vicious Cobwebs (2:8) Undead 3563
14 Cerberus tt (2:8) Vicious Cobwebs (2:8) Undead 3558
15 Foobar (3:8) Confession of Lotus (3:8) Undead 3430
16 Maleficent (3:8) Confession of Lotus (3:8) Faery 3416
17 bolido (8:8) Angelus recruiting (8:8) Elf 3367
18 Ostia (2:8) Vicious Cobwebs (2:8) Undead 3301
19 Mort (3:8) Confession of Lotus (3:8) Halfling 3257
20 Why Me (2:8) Vicious Cobwebs (2:8) Undead 3231
21 Scaruland (2:8) Vicious Cobwebs (2:8) Undead 3208
22 The Oracle (6:8) L E G A C Y - RECRUITING (6:8) Undead 3197
23 Spoon Boy (6:8) L E G A C Y - RECRUITING (6:8) Undead 3159
24 Premature dragulation (2:8) Vicious Cobwebs (2:8) Undead 3097
25 Button stuff (3:8) Confession of Lotus (3:8) Halfling 3064
26 Brains (3:8) Confession of Lotus (3:8) Undead 3047
27 Unbelievable Frustration (2:8) Vicious Cobwebs (2:8) Halfling 3042
28 Thats not a knife (1:8) The Retirement Home (1:8) Elf 2954
29 Unbendable Truth (2:8) Vicious Cobwebs (2:8) Dwarf 2932
30 Brocken Cross (8:8) Angelus recruiting (8:8) Elf 2919
31 True2 (2:8) Vicious Cobwebs (2:8) Human 2905
32 Slasher (2:8) Vicious Cobwebs (2:8) Undead 2816
33 Sunken ID (3:8) Confession of Lotus (3:8) Undead 2814
34 Neo (6:8) L E G A C Y - RECRUITING (6:8) Halfling 2808
35 Cassini Division (4:8) Nexus of Worlds (4:8) Faery 2786
36 Aiur (4:8) Nexus of Worlds (4:8) Halfling 2775
37 Apoc (6:8) L E G A C Y - RECRUITING (6:8) Undead 2672
38 Ducks (1:8) The Retirement Home (1:8) Dwarf 2657
39 Typhos (7:8) MonsterS (7:8) Orc 2651
40 OldTimer (2:8) Vicious Cobwebs (2:8) Human 2642
41 Commander Lock (6:8) L E G A C Y - RECRUITING (6:8) Halfling 2564
42 unicorn findder (2:8) Vicious Cobwebs (2:8) Undead 2521
43 Six gun lover (3:8) Confession of Lotus (3:8) Undead 2508
44 Ken (1:8) The Retirement Home (1:8) Elf 2473
45 Cylon (7:8) MonsterS (7:8) Elf 2471
46 The Architect (6:8) L E G A C Y - RECRUITING (6:8) Halfling 2443
47 Eye of the Tiger by the Tail (5:8) Shameless Mashups (5:8) Dwarf 2423
48 Brightie (3:8) Confession of Lotus (3:8) Undead 2409
49 Extracurlyfriespls (1:8) The Retirement Home (1:8) Dark Elf 2403
50 Agent Smith (6:8) L E G A C Y - RECRUITING (6:8) Undead 2398
51 Incubus (7:8) MonsterS (7:8) Halfling 2393
52 Moonlight Shadows (1:8) The Retirement Home (1:8) Faery 2382
53 Agent Brown (6:8) L E G A C Y - RECRUITING (6:8) Undead 2350
54 I DIED (8:8) Angelus recruiting (8:8) Elf 2346
55 Its Quiet Uptown Funk (5:8) Shameless Mashups (5:8) Faery 2342
56 Deja vu cat (6:8) L E G A C Y - RECRUITING (6:8) Undead 2311
57 ithy (1:8) The Retirement Home (1:8) Elf 2308
58 Clyde (1:8) The Retirement Home (1:8) Halfling 2285
59 99th Battlion Space Cadets (4:8) Nexus of Worlds (4:8) Halfling 2283
60 Venus (4:8) Nexus of Worlds (4:8) Halfling 2270
61 Flirken (7:8) MonsterS (7:8) Faery 2267
62 Dick in a box full o honey (5:8) Shameless Mashups (5:8) Elf 2266
63 The Merovingian (6:8) L E G A C Y - RECRUITING (6:8) Halfling 2264
64 pyscho (2:8) Vicious Cobwebs (2:8) Faery 2258
65 Curse of Lono (4:8) Nexus of Worlds (4:8) Dark Elf 2253
66 F YOUre Welcome to the Jungle (5:8) Shameless Mashups (5:8) Dark Elf 2251
67 Quake (8:8) Angelus recruiting (8:8) Elf 2247
68 wrackspawn (7:8) MonsterS (7:8) Dwarf 2244
69 Blood demon web (2:8) Vicious Cobwebs (2:8) Dwarf 2243
70 Chili Cheese Noodles (3:8) Confession of Lotus (3:8) Undead 2232
71 The Y (2:8) Vicious Cobwebs (2:8) Undead 2230
72 We like to Party over here (5:8) Shameless Mashups (5:8) Halfling 2219
73 Gramps (1:8) The Retirement Home (1:8) Halfling 2200
74 16 House (8:8) Angelus recruiting (8:8) Dwarf 2200
75 Something About The Fire (5:8) Shameless Mashups (5:8) Undead 2147
76 The walking dead (4:8) Nexus of Worlds (4:8) Undead 2147
77 Livin On A Prayer In C (5:8) Shameless Mashups (5:8) Elf 2145
78 Cookie Monster (7:8) MonsterS (7:8) Orc 2140
79 Captain Mifune (6:8) L E G A C Y - RECRUITING (6:8) Undead 2125
80 Wendigo (7:8) MonsterS (7:8) Halfling 2119
81 Red Dwarf (4:8) Nexus of Worlds (4:8) Halfling 2085
82 Boom Boom Fireball (8:8) Angelus recruiting (8:8) Faery 2084
83 Whiskey in the puppets (5:8) Shameless Mashups (5:8) Orc 2030
84 Link (6:8) L E G A C Y - RECRUITING (6:8) Undead 2016
85 Woman in the Red Dress (6:8) L E G A C Y - RECRUITING (6:8) Undead 2013
86 Dan Davis (6:8) L E G A C Y - RECRUITING (6:8) Undead 1996
87 Lol Hedge Funds (3:8) Confession of Lotus (3:8) Dwarf 1991
88 UseSomebodyThatIUsed2NoDiggity (5:8) Shameless Mashups (5:8) Undead 1966
89 Incite Law and order (3:8) Confession of Lotus (3:8) Undead 1946
90 Four Wonders (1:8) The Retirement Home (1:8) Dwarf 1935
91 The Trainman (6:8) L E G A C Y - RECRUITING (6:8) Undead 1933
92 Hydroxychloroquine (3:8) Confession of Lotus (3:8) Undead 1916
93 Sylph (7:8) MonsterS (7:8) Faery 1913
94 the SIETCHLANDS of SAYYADIN (8:8) Angelus recruiting (8:8) Halfling 1911
95 Endgame (3:8) Confession of Lotus (3:8) Undead 1907
96 Babap kyojin (3:8) Confession of Lotus (3:8) Dwarf 1898
97 Mars (4:8) Nexus of Worlds (4:8) Undead 1897
98 Seraph (6:8) L E G A C Y - RECRUITING (6:8) Undead 1891
99 Gettin piggy with it (3:8) Confession of Lotus (3:8) Undead 1890
100 Dybbuk (7:8) MonsterS (7:8) Elf 1878