Province Honor Rankings for Dorf (island 29)
(Age 53)

Rank Name Kingdom Race Honor
1 Poseidon Makes Good Sushi (5:29) Seagulls (5:29) Elf 5687
2 Clueless starring___euh (8:29) Mythos (8:29) Halfling 4900
3 King Midas (5:29) Seagulls (5:29) Faery 4708
4 Salty (8:29) Mythos (8:29) Faery 4551
5 Malicious (8:29) Mythos (8:29) Elf 4409
6 Irreducible Radiation (6:29) Yes cmon join us DKU (6:29) Faery 3939
7 Irrelevant Regrets (6:29) Yes cmon join us DKU (6:29) Faery 3779
8 Intoxicating Revelations (6:29) Yes cmon join us DKU (6:29) Faery 3724
9 laissez-moi tranquille (8:29) Mythos (8:29) Avian 3720
10 Nothing came to mind (8:29) Mythos (8:29) Human 3653
11 Revenge Of Scotland (2:29) Blood Thirsty Warriors STFO (2:29) Faery 3561
12 What da Hell (8:29) Mythos (8:29) Avian 3388
13 Siege of Apollo (5:29) Seagulls (5:29) Elf 3300
14 Bone Whip Occult (9:29) Vesperus Hostile STFO (9:29) Undead 3032
15 SoD Emerald (4:29) Undecided LF EOA war for fun (4:29) Faery 3004
16 Coconut Cream (7:29) Seduction DKU (7:29) Halfling 2981
17 Darkle (7:29) Seduction DKU (7:29) Undead 2972
18 Athena Goes Bloop (5:29) Seagulls (5:29) Faery 2941
19 Because They Told Me To (8:29) Mythos (8:29) Avian 2936
20 Cherries Jubilee (7:29) Seduction DKU (7:29) Elf 2929
21 LightsAreOnButNobodysHome (8:29) Mythos (8:29) Halfling 2912
22 Angel of Woe (8:29) Mythos (8:29) Undead 2885
23 Carrot Top (7:29) Seduction DKU (7:29) Avian 2837
24 Hora (5:29) Seagulls (5:29) Avian 2825
25 YouGotPlagueLOL (8:29) Mythos (8:29) Undead 2816
26 Forsythia (7:29) Seduction DKU (7:29) Halfling 2744
27 Irritating Recode (6:29) Yes cmon join us DKU (6:29) Human 2712
28 mud pie (4:29) Undecided LF EOA war for fun (4:29) Elf 2606
29 Sugarcup (7:29) Seduction DKU (7:29) Halfling 2512
30 The Troll Lord (2:29) Blood Thirsty Warriors STFO (2:29) Faery 2503
31 Golden Harvest (7:29) Seduction DKU (7:29) Undead 2495
32 Cotton Candy (7:29) Seduction DKU (7:29) Undead 2473
33 Igasurine Redolence (6:29) Yes cmon join us DKU (6:29) Undead 2430
34 Insignificant Ratatouille (6:29) Yes cmon join us DKU (6:29) Undead 2429
35 Swimming in a fish bowl (8:29) Mythos (8:29) Avian 2388
36 Waffles (8:29) Mythos (8:29) Human 2358
37 Inanimate Roadkill (6:29) Yes cmon join us DKU (6:29) Undead 2358
38 Legate Lanius (5:29) Seagulls (5:29) Undead 2351
39 Fizzy Pop (7:29) Seduction DKU (7:29) Avian 2332
40 Unown (2:29) Blood Thirsty Warriors STFO (2:29) Avian 2324
41 Flitter Flutter (7:29) Seduction DKU (7:29) Undead 2322
42 Instantaneous Rage (6:29) Yes cmon join us DKU (6:29) Avian 2291
43 Insidious Ranarian (6:29) Yes cmon join us DKU (6:29) Undead 2285
44 Wrath of Hades (5:29) Seagulls (5:29) Undead 2283
45 Innocent Rabies (6:29) Yes cmon join us DKU (6:29) Undead 2273
46 NorthernLights (9:29) Vesperus Hostile STFO (9:29) Faery 2254
47 DontBurnThePig (4:29) Undecided LF EOA war for fun (4:29) Human 2254
48 YourFather (9:29) Vesperus Hostile STFO (9:29) Faery 2253
49 Ice Dagger (9:29) Vesperus Hostile STFO (9:29) Faery 2253
50 Mad Flashing Orangutan (4:29) Undecided LF EOA war for fun (4:29) Undead 2182
51 Interrobang Ridiculous (6:29) Yes cmon join us DKU (6:29) Faery 2175
52 That Idiot Guy (8:29) Mythos (8:29) Faery 2173
53 Deathstar (8:29) Mythos (8:29) Undead 2153
54 Cheerilee (7:29) Seduction DKU (7:29) Undead 2152
55 Iridescent Ravenfrost (6:29) Yes cmon join us DKU (6:29) Undead 2125
56 bayang (2:29) Blood Thirsty Warriors STFO (2:29) Avian 2113
57 The Apple of Discord (8:29) Mythos (8:29) Undead 2079
58 Glitter Glide (7:29) Seduction DKU (7:29) Undead 2066
59 Uranus (5:29) Seagulls (5:29) Undead 2055
60 Eagle Nest (4:29) Undecided LF EOA war for fun (4:29) Undead 2048
61 Imagined Reality (6:29) Yes cmon join us DKU (6:29) Avian 1998
62 The Plutus Club (5:29) Seagulls (5:29) Human 1982
63 Mustache rides for us (4:29) Undecided LF EOA war for fun (4:29) Undead 1970
64 Bumblesweet (7:29) Seduction DKU (7:29) Avian 1969
65 Intense Radiance (6:29) Yes cmon join us DKU (6:29) Human 1944
66 Scooby Doo (4:29) Undecided LF EOA war for fun (4:29) Orc 1935
67 What am i doing here (8:29) Mythos (8:29) Undead 1928
68 Nw Orion (9:29) Vesperus Hostile STFO (9:29) Halfling 1923
69 Bitterroot (4:29) Undecided LF EOA war for fun (4:29) Human 1918
70 In Retrospect (6:29) Yes cmon join us DKU (6:29) Human 1907
71 Big up your willies (8:29) Mythos (8:29) Undead 1884
72 dxb_wolf (9:29) Vesperus Hostile STFO (9:29) Elf 1870
73 Land of Zombies (8:29) Mythos (8:29) Human 1859
74 New Tristram (1:29) Elementry Rebuilding (1:29) Dwarf 1853
75 Mystic Tigers (4:29) Undecided LF EOA war for fun (4:29) Elf 1851
76 babylon (1:29) Elementry Rebuilding (1:29) Orc 1845
77 Julatsa (4:29) Undecided LF EOA war for fun (4:29) Elf 1831
78 Halfling (4:29) Undecided LF EOA war for fun (4:29) Human 1829
79 Sparkles (4:29) Undecided LF EOA war for fun (4:29) Human 1816
80 Monkeys home (2:29) Blood Thirsty Warriors STFO (2:29) Human 1810
81 Longtown (9:29) Vesperus Hostile STFO (9:29) Dwarf 1802
82 Nevermore (1:29) Elementry Rebuilding (1:29) Halfling 1800
83 baby b oom (5:29) Seagulls (5:29) Faery 1800
84 3 Stars and A Sun (3:29) A Room with a moose (3:29) Undead 1800
85 Bladelandia (1:29) Elementry Rebuilding (1:29) Human 1800
86 I PLAY ALONE (1:29) Elementry Rebuilding (1:29) Faery 1800
87 Wolfgang von Goethe (5:29) Seagulls (5:29) Faery 1800
88 Brassaluia (2:29) Blood Thirsty Warriors STFO (2:29) Elf 1800
89 Incubated Ringworm (6:29) Yes cmon join us DKU (6:29) Avian 1781
90 Fusion (1:29) Elementry Rebuilding (1:29) Avian 1759
91 Ottoman Empire (1:29) Elementry Rebuilding (1:29) Undead 1755
92 PsyFy (1:29) Elementry Rebuilding (1:29) Dwarf 1752
93 butthole surfer (3:29) A Room with a moose (3:29) Faery 1748
94 Themelessss Banshee (8:29) Mythos (8:29) Undead 1747
95 aldar (3:29) A Room with a moose (3:29) Halfling 1746
96 Wings of Hermes (5:29) Seagulls (5:29) Avian 1738
97 Bobble (1:29) Elementry Rebuilding (1:29) Dwarf 1735
98 RiverStix (3:29) A Room with a moose (3:29) Undead 1732
99 PLANIT BOB (1:29) Elementry Rebuilding (1:29) Undead 1731
100 Hail Hermes HODF (5:29) Seagulls (5:29) Undead 1730