Kingdom Networth Rankings for Jarn (island 10)
(Age 5)

Rank Name Networth
1 Caer Rose (#45:10) 21657839
2 100 Acre Wood ABS (#28:10) 15148413
3 Utopian Eclipse (#39:10) 13047060
4 Sin City (#22:10) 12021152
5 Enchanted Realms GSA (#33:10) 11962793
6 DND Banner Bandits (#2:10) 10443755
7 EnchantedKingdom UP (#48:10) 9737003
8 Taste of Paradise (#30:10) 9529731
9 Eternitys Jury NAP (#49:10) 8801304
10 The Dogs of War (#35:10) 8677617
11 Sanctuary of JarnNAP (#37:10) 8547111
12 Forest of Shadows AV (#25:10) 8534192
13 Carrock Fell NAP UP (#34:10) 8409568
14 Shadow Lords UP (#50:10) 8344383
15 Nargothrond NAP (#24:10) 8134245
16 Silence NAP (#19:10) 7823441
17 The Seventh Circle (#46:10) 7213155
18 Our Darkened Destiny (#27:10) 7210961
19 Vengor (#17:10) 7032397
20 Caveat Bellicor (#15:10) 6948881
21 Knights of Justice (#41:10) 6911020
22 Black Tower xXx (#32:10) 6882371
23 Alcarin Val NAP (#20:10) 6729814
24 Vice and Virtue UP (#21:10) 6592223
25 LifeStreamNAP GSA (#16:10) 6579123
26 Hells Angels NAP (#23:10) 6578242
27 Realm of Chaos (#3:10) 6522402
28 the Fearless NAP (#40:10) 6458280
29 Cereal Killers (#6:10) 6244316
30 Angelic Heroes Knc (#10:10) 5500190
31 Eternal Fortress (#18:10) 5369254
32 DarkTower UP (#7:10) 5324799
33 Manetheran UP (#9:10) 5184823
34 Kaer Dread UP NAP (#5:10) 5168462
35 SIA (#13:10) 5049196
36 Leviathan GSA (#36:10) 4664721
37 Radiant Knights UP (#42:10) 4590340
38 Eye For An Eye UP (#4:10) 4546086
39 Celestial Knights (#11:10) 4313919
40 Tempered Edge UP (#31:10) 3958269
41 Damnation Alley UAP (#14:10) 3927977
42 Armageddon Strikes (#1:10) 3694346
43 The Towers of Ergoth (#47:10) 3693902
44 STRONGHOLD (#43:10) 3675291
45 RetaliatioN NexT (#26:10) 3412570
46 Renaissance (#29:10) 3338106
47 Kodalian NAP GSA (#8:10) 3266370
48 Paladin OfThe Dragon (#12:10) 2881870
49 Light of Darkness (#38:10) 2450617
50 Lucidius Regnum (#44:10) 2233484