Province Honor Rankings for Xanth (island 23)
(Age 31)

Rank Name Kingdom Race Honor
1 Princess Fiona (34:23) Brute Force (34:23) Elf 4968
2 East Coast Toons (20:23) Identity Crisis (20:23) Elf 4770
3 Fairy Godmother (34:23) Brute Force (34:23) Elf 4741
4 Monsieur Hood (34:23) Brute Force (34:23) Elf 4687
5 Rats Castle (20:23) Identity Crisis (20:23) Elf 4454
6 MagicMirrorOnTheWall (34:23) Brute Force (34:23) Elf 4244
7 PuntaArenas (13:23) A l i a s of Absalom (13:23) Faery 4241
8 YOU POO KEY MARK (13:23) A l i a s of Absalom (13:23) Elf 4100
9 Punks not Dead (13:23) A l i a s of Absalom (13:23) Faery 4036
10 Bad Timing (4:23) Pleasure Palace NoX (4:23) Faery 4025
11 Maiden (34:23) Brute Force (34:23) Elf 4025
12 Snowblind (13:23) A l i a s of Absalom (13:23) Elf 4022
13 YOU DEW LAY LOW MOW (13:23) A l i a s of Absalom (13:23) Elf 4004
14 M O N G O (34:23) Brute Force (34:23) Elf 4001
15 Castle Angband (20:23) Identity Crisis (20:23) Undead 3904
16 Eliot Ness (13:23) A l i a s of Absalom (13:23) Halfling 3840
17 Deo Volente (13:23) A l i a s of Absalom (13:23) Elf 3806
18 Pitchou (13:23) A l i a s of Absalom (13:23) Elf 3677
19 Like A Hurricane (13:23) A l i a s of Absalom (13:23) Halfling 3652
20 automatic man (13:23) A l i a s of Absalom (13:23) Elf 3646
21 Avada Kadavra (13:23) A l i a s of Absalom (13:23) Elf 3542
22 Alcott Yubolsov (13:23) A l i a s of Absalom (13:23) Elf 3481
23 sUpeRSavAK (4:23) Pleasure Palace NoX (4:23) Elf 3418
24 Elf (34:23) Brute Force (34:23) Elf 3404
25 YOU DEW HARM CAR (13:23) A l i a s of Absalom (13:23) Elf 3389
26 Muffin Man (34:23) Brute Force (34:23) Elf 3373
27 ihateelf (4:23) Pleasure Palace NoX (4:23) Elf 3357
28 Loves First Kiss (34:23) Brute Force (34:23) Elf 3338
29 Shrek (34:23) Brute Force (34:23) Elf 3332
30 Bishop (34:23) Brute Force (34:23) Elf 3298
31 Turbulence (4:23) Pleasure Palace NoX (4:23) Elf 3237
32 Shadow of a Dream (4:23) Pleasure Palace NoX (4:23) Elf 3223
33 B0h1cA (13:23) A l i a s of Absalom (13:23) Elf 3215
34 Mister Droopy (4:23) Pleasure Palace NoX (4:23) Elf 3210
35 Draculas Castle (20:23) Identity Crisis (20:23) Undead 3202
36 GrouchLoveGreenGanja (4:23) Pleasure Palace NoX (4:23) Faery 3164
37 2189 D (4:23) Pleasure Palace NoX (4:23) Faery 3103
38 ImSwedeAndWeRoxx (6:23) Crazyn00bz KLA (6:23) Elf 3096
39 Passport To Hell RO (4:23) Pleasure Palace NoX (4:23) Elf 3092
40 flEric (4:23) Pleasure Palace NoX (4:23) Elf 3068
41 L E E J O N (14:23) Respect Nobody (14:23) Elf 3068
42 The Giant PMS (4:23) Pleasure Palace NoX (4:23) Elf 3035
43 Magic Mullet (31:23) Casus Belli of HaLL (31:23) Faery 3031
44 ImTooSexyForYou (6:23) Crazyn00bz KLA (6:23) Elf 3028
45 Ulk Bog (4:23) Pleasure Palace NoX (4:23) Elf 3020
46 Prince Charming (34:23) Brute Force (34:23) Elf 2969
47 Donkey (34:23) Brute Force (34:23) Elf 2947
48 OMG Dont Look At Me (14:23) Respect Nobody (14:23) Elf 2943
49 D A R K U S (14:23) Respect Nobody (14:23) Undead 2936
50 ElNinoDelTorRO (4:23) Pleasure Palace NoX (4:23) Elf 2922
51 Zoldick Rules (4:23) Pleasure Palace NoX (4:23) Elf 2911
52 AreYouStillHavingFun (4:23) Pleasure Palace NoX (4:23) Elf 2898
53 WoWoWeE GaMe KnB (6:23) Crazyn00bz KLA (6:23) Elf 2889
54 I like b00bies (14:23) Respect Nobody (14:23) Avian 2841
55 Trejonchki (4:23) Pleasure Palace NoX (4:23) Elf 2811
56 Le Heker (4:23) Pleasure Palace NoX (4:23) Elf 2808
57 SmaugTheAngryDragon (14:23) Respect Nobody (14:23) Avian 2807
58 a Path to the Beyond (13:23) A l i a s of Absalom (13:23) Elf 2789
59 Suas Doidas (14:23) Respect Nobody (14:23) Human 2784
60 S C H R E I B O R G (4:23) Pleasure Palace NoX (4:23) Elf 2784
61 I hate these guys (4:23) Pleasure Palace NoX (4:23) Elf 2766
62 Hibernia IX (14:23) Respect Nobody (14:23) Elf 2765
63 Three Pigs (34:23) Brute Force (34:23) Elf 2762
64 dark n cold (14:23) Respect Nobody (14:23) Undead 2750
65 Omu (14:23) Respect Nobody (14:23) Undead 2737
66 Candyisaddictive (31:23) Casus Belli of HaLL (31:23) Faery 2734
67 Theycallusharmless (6:23) Crazyn00bz KLA (6:23) Elf 2709
68 Flush (4:23) Pleasure Palace NoX (4:23) Elf 2695
69 Dark Wizzard (6:23) Crazyn00bz KLA (6:23) Elf 2692
70 Puss Yn Boots (34:23) Brute Force (34:23) Elf 2680
71 Immortality (4:23) Pleasure Palace NoX (4:23) Elf 2671
72 AMAZING GRACE (6:23) Crazyn00bz KLA (6:23) Elf 2651
73 My GF is XXXy (6:23) Crazyn00bz KLA (6:23) Elf 2644
74 Fear My Tears (36:23) Fear My Kingdom (36:23) Elf 2634
75 Man with Box (34:23) Brute Force (34:23) Elf 2571
76 Workaholic (13:23) A l i a s of Absalom (13:23) Elf 2541
77 CastleOBradwurstLuvn (20:23) Identity Crisis (20:23) Faery 2516
78 The New Isreal (14:23) Respect Nobody (14:23) Orc 2494
79 ElenaTheGreat (6:23) Crazyn00bz KLA (6:23) Elf 2491
80 Medvedgrad (8:23) Mighty Villages (8:23) Dwarf 2480
81 Inequity (31:23) Casus Belli of HaLL (31:23) Faery 2440
82 Lyrnrd Skynyrd (7:23) We Will Rock You (7:23) Avian 2428
83 Bar Frog (34:23) Brute Force (34:23) Elf 2423
84 Raze and Shine (13:23) A l i a s of Absalom (13:23) Human 2411
85 Blind Mouse (34:23) Brute Force (34:23) Elf 2405
86 Dark Mordor (1:23) Warriors of Darkness (1:23) Elf 2391
87 McROnaldsElMafiosoGG (4:23) Pleasure Palace NoX (4:23) Elf 2383
88 NefariousDragonfire (4:23) Pleasure Palace NoX (4:23) Elf 2380
89 IWasDwnButNowImFlyin (31:23) Casus Belli of HaLL (31:23) Elf 2370
90 Ultro Anguis Adoreus (11:23) Ultro A TF WAR (11:23) Elf 2363
91 5678s (7:23) We Will Rock You (7:23) Avian 2352
92 WackyWoolyWereWabbit (14:23) Respect Nobody (14:23) Avian 2332
93 Something Awful (14:23) Respect Nobody (14:23) Avian 2328
94 Dark of the Moon (32:23) Oh You Make Us Laugh (32:23) Halfling 2328
95 Metronome Arthritis (13:23) A l i a s of Absalom (13:23) Elf 2319
96 YouAre2Lame (6:23) Crazyn00bz KLA (6:23) Elf 2316
97 No DesiRes (25:23) The BuRning DesiRes (25:23) Faery 2310
98 Shakespeares Sister (7:23) We Will Rock You (7:23) Avian 2305
99 SuperStarWannabe (31:23) Casus Belli of HaLL (31:23) Elf 2297
100 Thelonious (34:23) Brute Force (34:23) Elf 2279