Province Honor Rankings for Barkonia (island 27)
(Age 30)

Rank Name Kingdom Race Honor
1 Invoker Of Rebelion (13:27) Sexy Poker Face TF (13:27) Halfling 3943
2 kNights of Meteors (16:27) Knights of Order (16:27) Faery 3940
3 Legions of Autolycus (15:27) Eternity (15:27) Halfling 3098
4 Legion of Wildfire (22:27) Lair of Legions CSB (22:27) Elf 3039
5 Jack of Clubs PF (13:27) Sexy Poker Face TF (13:27) Avian 2954
6 Queen of Diamonds (13:27) Sexy Poker Face TF (13:27) Avian 2894
7 secondhand synonym (3:27) Toasters LOTUS (3:27) Elf 2611
8 Nagashira (3:27) Toasters LOTUS (3:27) Faery 2577
9 Rex rgis quod Terra (3:27) Toasters LOTUS (3:27) Undead 2559
10 Blue Rain (3:27) Toasters LOTUS (3:27) Undead 2557
11 Legion of Destiny (22:27) Lair of Legions CSB (22:27) Elf 2544
12 Legion of Ryce (3:27) Toasters LOTUS (3:27) Undead 2527
13 Quadro De Alas (13:27) Sexy Poker Face TF (13:27) Avian 2514
14 Asmodean (7:27) Brotherhood HJ WARRR (7:27) Human 2456
15 Brother KGB (7:27) Brotherhood HJ WARRR (7:27) Elf 2445
16 Powered by Saldea (39:27) Empowered Alcoholics (39:27) Elf 2428
17 Legion of Appelmoes (22:27) Lair of Legions CSB (22:27) Elf 2385
18 Legion of Darkness (22:27) Lair of Legions CSB (22:27) Elf 2384
19 Contract the Plague (3:27) Toasters LOTUS (3:27) Undead 2355
20 The Lonely Crypt (25:27) PenitentiaryofHaLL (25:27) Undead 2341
21 Legion of DK (22:27) Lair of Legions CSB (22:27) Elf 2310
22 shaolin slums (3:27) Toasters LOTUS (3:27) Human 2301
23 Mideel (4:27) Under the Bed (4:27) Faery 2300
24 Enchanted Palace (25:27) PenitentiaryofHaLL (25:27) Avian 2264
25 SorryToLeave (3:27) Toasters LOTUS (3:27) Human 2238
26 King Full House (13:27) Sexy Poker Face TF (13:27) Avian 2237
27 Queen Full House (13:27) Sexy Poker Face TF (13:27) Elf 2230
28 Legion of Schweppes (22:27) Lair of Legions CSB (22:27) Elf 2226
29 Legion of Thunder (22:27) Lair of Legions CSB (22:27) Elf 2216
30 Legion Of Prophecy (22:27) Lair of Legions CSB (22:27) Elf 2190
31 SomethingsWrongHere (3:27) Toasters LOTUS (3:27) Undead 2186
32 Powered by Ice (39:27) Empowered Alcoholics (39:27) Elf 2180
33 Newest Noob (3:27) Toasters LOTUS (3:27) Elf 2171
34 Vendaface (20:27) The Muppets Show (20:27) Elf 2165
35 One of a Kind PF (13:27) Sexy Poker Face TF (13:27) Avian 2160
36 Playground X (3:27) Toasters LOTUS (3:27) Human 2157
37 CareBear (3:27) Toasters LOTUS (3:27) Halfling 2154
38 Dantes Inferno (3:27) Toasters LOTUS (3:27) Undead 2136
39 Dalimdor (22:27) Lair of Legions CSB (22:27) Halfling 2133
40 Tsuchimi Rin (3:27) Toasters LOTUS (3:27) Human 2127
41 Jack of Diamondz (13:27) Sexy Poker Face TF (13:27) Avian 2124
42 King of Spades PF (13:27) Sexy Poker Face TF (13:27) Avian 2071
43 the attack (3:27) Toasters LOTUS (3:27) Halfling 2067
44 Deamon Lord (25:27) PenitentiaryofHaLL (25:27) Undead 2065
45 Crazy (3:27) Toasters LOTUS (3:27) Orc 2036
46 CaNaDiAn CrYpT (25:27) PenitentiaryofHaLL (25:27) Undead 2021
47 Legion of Shanghai (22:27) Lair of Legions CSB (22:27) Elf 1977
48 Legion of Elveron (22:27) Lair of Legions CSB (22:27) Elf 1970
49 Town of Midgets (11:27) Death Lords (11:27) Halfling 1960
50 Land of asdf (25:27) PenitentiaryofHaLL (25:27) Halfling 1958
51 Bomdiggy (7:27) Brotherhood HJ WARRR (7:27) Halfling 1955
52 Tpyrc Crypt (25:27) PenitentiaryofHaLL (25:27) Undead 1947
53 Brother kimz (7:27) Brotherhood HJ WARRR (7:27) Elf 1938
54 Sister Draconius (7:27) Brotherhood HJ WARRR (7:27) Elf 1937
55 Loco Night (16:27) Knights of Order (16:27) Faery 1931
56 Legion of Judas (22:27) Lair of Legions CSB (22:27) Elf 1931
57 Ernie (20:27) The Muppets Show (20:27) Halfling 1922
58 ClearAsMud (15:27) Eternity (15:27) Elf 1922
59 Chade (3:27) Toasters LOTUS (3:27) Human 1915
60 Thief in the Knight (29:27) The Fight Club 292 (29:27) Halfling 1915
61 Dragomere (3:27) Toasters LOTUS (3:27) Orc 1912
62 Swedish Chef (20:27) The Muppets Show (20:27) Elf 1890
63 Soldiers of Genocide (25:27) PenitentiaryofHaLL (25:27) Undead 1886
64 Brabant (13:27) Sexy Poker Face TF (13:27) Avian 1870
65 sexy dragon (7:27) Brotherhood HJ WARRR (7:27) Halfling 1859
66 Short but Sexy (9:27) WE WOULD WAR YOU BUT (9:27) Halfling 1857
67 7 of Hearts PF (13:27) Sexy Poker Face TF (13:27) Avian 1848
68 The Prancing Pony (34:27) Shades Of Unity (34:27) Halfling 1817
69 IThougthItsJumpNRun (9:27) WE WOULD WAR YOU BUT (9:27) Faery 1789
70 The Blur (22:27) Lair of Legions CSB (22:27) Dwarf 1787
71 honorable mention (17:27) TVM LOTUS (17:27) Dwarf 1778
72 Legion of Shibboleth (22:27) Lair of Legions CSB (22:27) Elf 1776
73 Boogie Man (4:27) Under the Bed (4:27) Elf 1764
74 Shades of Avian (34:27) Shades Of Unity (34:27) Avian 1754
75 Bulldogz (17:27) TVM LOTUS (17:27) Halfling 1749
76 ReallyGoodLooking (12:27) THEE IMMORTALS DiE (12:27) Halfling 1749
77 2 Of Harts PF (13:27) Sexy Poker Face TF (13:27) Halfling 1748
78 Brother of Death (7:27) Brotherhood HJ WARRR (7:27) Orc 1738
79 BAttlE of JAtiCulA (14:27) The Battle Begins (14:27) Avian 1735
80 a year old sandwich (4:27) Under the Bed (4:27) Elf 1731
81 TheOneIKilled (4:27) Under the Bed (4:27) Elf 1729
82 City Of Legends (4:27) Under the Bed (4:27) Elf 1723
83 Canudos (14:27) The Battle Begins (14:27) Halfling 1721
84 Brother Vampire (7:27) Brotherhood HJ WARRR (7:27) Avian 1719
85 Brother Andurin (7:27) Brotherhood HJ WARRR (7:27) Faery 1703
86 CyBrD (13:27) Sexy Poker Face TF (13:27) Dwarf 1695
87 Powered By Sumo (39:27) Empowered Alcoholics (39:27) Faery 1691
88 Causeway Bay (28:27) DEadly SexC (28:27) Halfling 1689
89 n0Manln3 (1:27) The NP 127 (1:27) Undead 1687
90 ImGoingIntoDetoX (9:27) WE WOULD WAR YOU BUT (9:27) Orc 1685
91 Brother Sadist (7:27) Brotherhood HJ WARRR (7:27) Elf 1679
92 Immortal Templar (12:27) THEE IMMORTALS DiE (12:27) Halfling 1677
93 I Have Issues (17:27) TVM LOTUS (17:27) Dwarf 1669
94 Assassin X (13:27) Sexy Poker Face TF (13:27) Halfling 1668
95 AnyOfTheMaleKdMates (4:27) Under the Bed (4:27) Elf 1663
96 Mountain of Fire (8:27) Smallest WoL kd (8:27) Orc 1650
97 Bulgarian Satory (6:27) Flavorful Satory (6:27) Faery 1649
98 The Divine Sages (11:27) Death Lords (11:27) Faery 1648
99 IveLostMyGlasses (9:27) WE WOULD WAR YOU BUT (9:27) Elf 1647
100 Blood Seeker (25:27) PenitentiaryofHaLL (25:27) Undead 1646