Kingdom Land Rankings for Maui (island 38)
(Age 16)

Rank Name Land
1 o SoMeThInG wRoNg o (40:38) 79351
2 The Doctor gave up (8:38) 49530
3 The Rules Of Justice (26:38) 48042
4 Decadent Ones (20:38) 47415
5 We Come 1 (27:38) 38800
6 The Grim Reapers EtL (32:38) 37164
7 The Forgotten GoDS (10:38) 35174
8 Utopia Politicians (30:38) 30252
9 Unity At Its Worst (21:38) 29557
10 Evils Only Alliance (33:38) 29519
11 Stupid R Us 3538 (35:38) 29467
12 Simple Minds (29:38) 28859
13 Sakuras pride RoU (18:38) 28355
14 EVIL TERRITORIES (41:38) 27382
15 LOL at Dragons (16:38) 27191
16 Legends of Virtue (25:38) 26263
17 Tripperz of Oz (24:38) 25348
18 Attackers World (34:38) 25288
19 DudeWheresMyKD BoD (2:38) 24311
20 The Other Angels (7:38) 23913
21 Bottom Feeders (37:38) 23629
22 Suicidal tendencies (36:38) 23546
23 Heroes (9:38) 23171
24 Empire Of Identities (42:38) 22906
25 D and W HUN (38:38) 22077
26 Mysplaced Provinces (44:38) 22035
27 Mystrious Guardians (28:38) 21614
28 ROGUES OF JEFFERY (3:38) 20852
29 ThE MooD of DooM (14:38) 19963
30 AnnihilationOfDeath (4:38) 19831
31 Eriador (1:38) 19623
32 Plains of Valour (31:38) 19138
33 The Gods 1538 (15:38) 18911
34 Dark Addicts (39:38) 18723
35 Lords Of THe Realm (22:38) 17701
36 Shores of Hell 1738 (17:38) 17066
37 Veni Vidi Vici BoD (19:38) 17048
38 Forbidden Realms (13:38) 16987
39 Order of the Lance (11:38) 16659
40 Blades of Utopia (6:38) 15938
41 United BLADES (23:38) 15778
42 LOTR (5:38) 15589
43 ThE SoLDiERS Of HELL (46:38) 13077
44 NeW RuLE (43:38) 11789
45 LeagueOfNations EtL (12:38) 11787
46 InAcTiVe KD (45:38) 11243
47 Forgone Apocalypse (47:38) 7131
48 Uncharted (#48:38) 0
49 Uncharted (#49:38) 0
50 Uncharted (#50:38) 0