Kingdom Honor Rankings for Cantora (island 28)
(Age 32)

Rank Name Honor
1 PokerFace war (31:28) 65375
2 PandaMonium (27:28) 34821
3 Legions of TBH (25:28) 33089
4 The Plague War (9:28) 33041
5 Legendary EmpiresWAR (29:28) 32044
6 Antiquitas (26:28) 29627
7 ologys we are 1828 (18:28) 29257
8 HaLL of Mankind 33 (33:28) 28527
9 Freaks (28:28) 27512
10 DeamonS 128 (1:28) 25353
11 Disorders WARRRRRRRR (14:28) 24811
12 Flaming Fist (21:28) 24797
13 Dragonlords of AoD (3:28) 24518
14 LL HELOFDIMFOREST (23:28) 24474
15 MONOPOLY is BACK (24:28) 24296
16 Too Drunk for a name (19:28) 24278
17 Jukebox 1628 (16:28) 24178
18 WEAPONS OF THE GODS (7:28) 23987
19 Magical Spells 628 (6:28) 23971
20 Ronny of HaLL (34:28) 23856
21 Ad WAR (36:28) 23719
22 Rosenbault (10:28) 22296
23 Unknown Soldiers (17:28) 22221
24 Warlords AT WAR (13:28) 22098
25 Master of Puppets AL (22:28) 21842
26 Anything Goes 3528 (35:28) 21732
27 Confused Noobs 372 (37:28) 21666
28 Merciless FTW (4:28) 21564
29 Destructive Captains (5:28) 21534
30 Emotional Asylum (8:28) 21124
31 War Wolves at WAR (11:28) 20272
32 Magic NH WAR (20:28) 19979
33 Drinks on the House (30:28) 19606
34 Fate (12:28) 19318
35 Less is More (15:28) 18704
36 Caelum Eternum (2:28) 16034
37 Divine Retribution (32:28) 10957