Province Land Rankings for Darth (island 4)
(Age 22)

Rank Name Kingdom Race Land
1 Compared To Ours (12:4) BelsebubForPresident (12:4) Human 6286
2 Blood of HaidutBG (23:4) B L O O D of NI (23:4) Elf 6219
3 GodRanOuttaRunes (30:4) Heavenly Inspiration (30:4) Human 5571
4 Samurai Pizza Cat (2:4) Anime Heros UA (2:4) Human 5452
5 Blood Romance Blades (23:4) B L O O D of NI (23:4) Orc 4801
6 PowerfulLegendInside (10:4) Knights of NI (10:4) Halfling 4579
7 Mount of KakisCorner (1:4) GEOPOWER (1:4) Dwarf 4555
8 endless love (1:4) GEOPOWER (1:4) Elf 4421
9 Spider Man UA (2:4) Anime Heros UA (2:4) Human 4323
10 Hack (2:4) Anime Heros UA (2:4) Human 4311
11 Blood Of Orc (23:4) B L O O D of NI (23:4) Orc 4302
12 The Black Knight (10:4) Knights of NI (10:4) Elf 4106
13 antirknightofhonor (18:4) AnTir (18:4) Elf 4014
14 GodToldMeToDoITMkay (30:4) Heavenly Inspiration (30:4) Faery 4006
15 Essendon (23:4) B L O O D of NI (23:4) Elf 3977
16 Archangel Dementia (39:4) Archangels are Cute (39:4) Elf 3828
17 DiscWorld (39:4) Archangels are Cute (39:4) Halfling 3800
18 IwantSuiciders (3:4) Dol Guldur (3:4) Human 3788
19 BloodOfTheLost (23:4) B L O O D of NI (23:4) Halfling 3689
20 Euphoria RH (43:4) RH refound its path (43:4) Halfling 3682
21 Darkshadow (3:4) Dol Guldur (3:4) Elf 3680
22 Lords of Mordor (31:4) Lords of the River (31:4) Elf 3636
23 Bloody Destiny (23:4) B L O O D of NI (23:4) Avian 3471
24 RetroSword Industry (23:4) B L O O D of NI (23:4) Halfling 3466
25 ALovelyLittleSausage (12:4) BelsebubForPresident (12:4) Human 3444
26 Vandalism (12:4) BelsebubForPresident (12:4) Faery 3436
27 High Castle (23:4) B L O O D of NI (23:4) Avian 3384
28 ArcInDeepBlueRH (43:4) RH refound its path (43:4) Elf 3322
29 OnceThereWas (12:4) BelsebubForPresident (12:4) Avian 3318
30 And It Lived Happily (12:4) BelsebubForPresident (12:4) Faery 3186
31 ShadeBurn PINOY (10:4) Knights of NI (10:4) Halfling 3174
32 Blood of Ogre (23:4) B L O O D of NI (23:4) Elf 3142
33 Moraks Downfall (44:4) Unhampered Downfall (44:4) Dwarf 3138
34 skitJohan (33:4) Keeping Utopia Safe (33:4) Human 3127
35 32th knight (10:4) Knights of NI (10:4) Elf 3117
36 Insane pommes (6:4) The FaLLeN AnGeLs (6:4) Human 3113
37 Endless Valachia (4:4) The Omega (4:4) Halfling 3089
38 Noxos (12:4) BelsebubForPresident (12:4) Undead 3089
39 Krak de Chevalier (13:4) The Citadel UA (13:4) Human 3014
40 The Omega (4:4) The Omega (4:4) Faery 2977
41 Jesus Liketolick (30:4) Heavenly Inspiration (30:4) Dwarf 2975
42 Blood of Empires (23:4) B L O O D of NI (23:4) Elf 2965
43 Revenge of Fist (20:4) Simpsons (20:4) Elf 2965
44 MooMoo Island (9:4) Crazy Creatures (9:4) Elf 2956
45 Estorian Arsonists (27:4) The Damned EnD (27:4) Faery 2951
46 H R M S (2:4) Anime Heros UA (2:4) Human 2922
47 Archangel from Hell (39:4) Archangels are Cute (39:4) Human 2902
48 Blood of Me (23:4) B L O O D of NI (23:4) Orc 2877
49 Skinner (20:4) Simpsons (20:4) Orc 2855
50 Jewish Concentration (12:4) BelsebubForPresident (12:4) Elf 2851
51 GANGSTA Angel (28:4) Untouchables (28:4) Human 2850
52 Psiland (38:4) Hope you remember (38:4) Dwarf 2821
53 Beta Omega (4:4) The Omega (4:4) Elf 2816
54 Slider (20:4) Simpsons (20:4) Dwarf 2811
55 Elmo UA (2:4) Anime Heros UA (2:4) Dwarf 2795
56 Trfyandumcekoff (35:4) Mirrored X (35:4) Faery 2778
57 The Vertigo (12:4) BelsebubForPresident (12:4) Dwarf 2762
58 Soulton (3:4) Dol Guldur (3:4) Dwarf 2761
59 Neanisium RH (43:4) RH refound its path (43:4) Halfling 2744
60 Archangel of Courage (39:4) Archangels are Cute (39:4) Elf 2740
61 Lost Miracles (12:4) BelsebubForPresident (12:4) Faery 2738
62 LassieOnCrack (38:4) Hope you remember (38:4) Human 2725
63 For Deadly Surgeons (33:4) Keeping Utopia Safe (33:4) Elf 2714
64 FaLLen AnGeL oF sSc (6:4) The FaLLeN AnGeLs (6:4) Dwarf 2700
65 Blood of the Saber (23:4) B L O O D of NI (23:4) Undead 2674
66 Killers of War (16:4) New Age Killers V (16:4) Faery 2648
67 Silver Age Downfall (44:4) Unhampered Downfall (44:4) Elf 2642
68 Disaster Of Fire (35:4) Mirrored X (35:4) Dwarf 2631
69 Realm of Blue (46:4) EnD R of C (46:4) Dwarf 2625
70 Totally Blows (12:4) BelsebubForPresident (12:4) Orc 2604
71 Holycow (38:4) Hope you remember (38:4) Orc 2591
72 Realm of Snow (46:4) EnD R of C (46:4) Human 2577
73 Willie (20:4) Simpsons (20:4) Orc 2564
74 Lost Herald (39:4) Archangels are Cute (39:4) Dwarf 2563
75 Blood of D E A T H (23:4) B L O O D of NI (23:4) Undead 2519
76 SownWithSalt (13:4) The Citadel UA (13:4) Halfling 2511
77 ToothlessAgression (11:4) The Mixers TA (11:4) Halfling 2510
78 SoFarSoGood (23:4) B L O O D of NI (23:4) Orc 2508
79 IWantNoGangBangs (3:4) Dol Guldur (3:4) Human 2499
80 Mako Enforcer (40:4) Form Blazin Sword TA (40:4) Elf 2477
81 Temporary (39:4) Archangels are Cute (39:4) Halfling 2470
82 IWant2BPartofTheKd (3:4) Dol Guldur (3:4) Human 2464
83 Collectors Downfall (44:4) Unhampered Downfall (44:4) Faery 2462
84 IamJacksElf (22:4) Misteryland (22:4) Elf 2436
85 Rollin Rocks (12:4) BelsebubForPresident (12:4) Halfling 2436
86 IRON Pussy (32:4) IRON (32:4) Elf 2435
87 Fantasy RH (43:4) RH refound its path (43:4) Elf 2430
88 IWantToBePug (3:4) Dol Guldur (3:4) Elf 2425
89 Staroplzenecky (2:4) Anime Heros UA (2:4) Elf 2424
90 Tyrant Of Woe (7:4) Circle of Tyrants (7:4) Elf 2418
91 System of a Downfall (44:4) Unhampered Downfall (44:4) Faery 2408
92 Realm of Ymir (46:4) EnD R of C (46:4) Elf 2400
93 Deadly Rencarnation (20:4) Simpsons (20:4) Orc 2394
94 rogue land (22:4) Misteryland (22:4) Halfling 2391
95 Carrock (20:4) Simpsons (20:4) Faery 2384
96 Valley of RedsArmy (1:4) GEOPOWER (1:4) Elf 2383
97 Veritas Aequitas (10:4) Knights of NI (10:4) Elf 2364
98 Darkcow (38:4) Hope you remember (38:4) Orc 2364
99 Alpha Omega (4:4) The Omega (4:4) Elf 2361
100 SKYLlNE CRUlSER (18:4) AnTir (18:4) Undead 2341